Friday, August 30, 2013

A prize for Edward Snowden

 The Association of German Scientists (VDW), the International Association of Lawyers against Nuclear Arms (IALANA) and Transparency International to U.S. informant reward for his revelations about the spying program PRISM. "Snowden revealed illegal practices data control, which had a considerable impact on international relations between the U.S. and Europe. Also acted without interest and risked a long prison sentence, "the jury justified its decision.

Snowden, who was granted temporary asylum in Russia, could not come to Berlin at the award ceremony this August 30. Traveling to Germany was at risk of being arrested and extradited to the U.S. Otto Jackal, IALANA president, and notes that it is not the first time it happens that: in 1999, Jackal had to travel to Russia to give the award to Alexander Nikitin. Navy captain had to appear before a Russian court for his revelations on accidents in nuclear-powered ships and dumping of nuclear waste in the Boreal Ocean and was not allowed to travel to Germany. However, the award had a positive effect: "The award and public attention that caused his delivery made Russian courts acquit Nikitin," says Jackal.

Symbolic prize large effects

 Whistle blower Award 2011 for disclosing safety deficiencies in nuclear reactors. Whistle blower Award 2011 for disclosing safety deficiencies in nuclear reactors. Prize Whistle blower is equipped 3,000. It seems little, but according Jackal, it shows the true virtue of whistle blowers who "act without self-interest, by conviction, not the prize."

On the contrary, they often pay a heavy price. Rainer Moor man, for example: Chemical Nuclear Research Center Julich received the award in 2011. In 2009, security expert revealed that the modular reactor technology pebble bed was not as safe as it is generally said. Thus, a transaction prevented 1,500 million Euros between Germany and South Africa.

Since then, his boss and many colleagues considered him a traitor. "I marginalized and lost a lot of contacts," says Mormon. "But I felt no hatred or anger, but the desire to fight the intrigues and lies of my opponents and stick to my principles," he adds. Prize Whistle blower was a late apology: "I gave a lot of contacts and invitations to conferences and allowed me to continue to represent my position in Germany," says Mormon.
 Otto Jackal: We want to show that they are not alone. Otto Jackal: "We want to show that they are not alone. At the same time, for much recognition is awarded as a signal observed Jackal juror: "It shows them that they are not alone, that there are people who appreciate what they did. They also said prospects for life after whistle blowing."

A political statement

The topics covered by the winner’s whistle blowers are always politically explosive. Therefore, the prize always carries a political message. In Germany there is still a "culture of whistle blowing ". Therefore, Rainer Mormon great hopes in the Prize Whistle blower: "Note that in Germany, unlike the Anglo-Saxon area, the whistle blowing is rather considered a disgrace.”According to the 2011 winner, reasonable legal rules are needed about in the country. "To those who would like to give the award one day and there was no need to grant it," says Otto Jackal. However, a mere change in the law does not entail that: "Even if there are protection regulations, I think there will continue actions whistleblowers worthy of an award.” 

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